Anoreksiyayı Yenip Vücut Geliştirici Olan Sarah Ramadan ile Tanışın


Başarı hikayelerine bir yenisini ekliyoruz. Aradığınız motivasyonu anoreksiyanın korkunç pençesinden kurtulup mükemmel bir vücuda kavuşan 23 yaşındaki Sarah Ramadan’da bulabilirsiniz!

1995 doğumlu olan Sarah, Kanadalı bir sosyal medya fitness modeli.


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#thenandnow ✌?? 2016 vs 2018 ⠀ Here is a mini reverse diet update!! ⠀ my macros are up, my priorities are different, and my love for fitness is stronger than ever?? ⠀ It’s so nice to train beyond a deadline and stage?. While I loved the experience of competing, my passions for fitness extend past this goal. Right now I’m training out of love for my body, and to honour my inner athlete. I’m lifting weights about 5-6 x week (progressive overload, strength + hypertrophy-focused training block), performing cardio ~ twice a week, and working on my flexibility (much needed lol?) ⠀ I’m monitoring my macros on somedays, but mostly intuitive eating takes the lead (trusting my hunger cues was something I could never once do, so being able to do this now is HUGE for me!!!?) ⠀ As far as diet goes, I’m doing way better than I did just 2 months ago. I’m eating more greens, drinking more water, and being more attentive to my nutritional needs. I’m still on a plant-based diet, for ethical purposes? ⠀ All in all i’m just enjoying life and making proud moments in and outside of the gym – because you can abso-friken-lutely do both??!! ⠀ #thenandnow #strongisbeautiful #fightforgrowth

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Sosyal medyada binlerce takipçiye giden yolunu ise çok güç bir dönemi atlattıktan sonra çizebilmiş.


Sarah 2009 yılında yeme ileride kendisinde yeme bozukluğuna sebep olacak,

“az yeme” alışkanlığına başlamış.


Her zaman her şeyde mükemmeliyetçi bir yapısının olduğunu dile getiren Sarah,

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I chose recovery when i realized that life was hard, ⠀ and that I was worth it. ⠀ — ⠀ i’m very open about mental health for a number of reasons. a main one was the idea that I could stand before those who struggle and share with them my life. To be incentive and proof that mental disease doesn’t have define you. and that instead, the journey, no matter how daunting, may empower you. ⠀ i don’t know much about anything, but if i could say one thing with certainty, it’s this: ⠀ you are so worth it.? ⠀ — ⠀ a few things i want you to remember (listing below) ⠀ Your journey will not be linear. and it doesn’t have to be. ⠀ Striving for perfection fades the greatest and most original attributes that make you, you ⠀ mental health sucks, but it can enlighten you with compassion ⠀ there are blessings in burdens ⠀ it’s okay to not be okay ⠀ when you are ambivalent, remember that the better decision will always be choosing life.?

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Eskiden bu durumun kendisinde oldukça kontrolsüz ve bilinçsiz bir hâl aldığını dile getiriyor.


Öyle ki, istediği fiziğe ulaşmak için az yeme alışkanlığı gün geçtikçe açlığa dönüşmüş.

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?IT’S NATIONAL EATING DISORDER AWARENESS WEEK ? ⠀ My battle against anorexia was a journey I will never forget. I will never forget the years I fought my body How I feared food and all its moral implications Or the verbal abuse that echoed through my ears I do not miss any of it either. ⠀ But I can say that what I have learned through the journey makes me unbelievably proud to confirm that recovery IS possible. For all of us.? ⠀ Now please remember: ⠀ ▫️Eating disorders affect both women and men children and adults, of all socioeconomic groups, and racial + ethnic backgrounds ⠀ ◽️Eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes – one size does NOT fit all. ⠀ ◽️ED’s are a mental illness that MIGHT have physical symptoms, but in no way are these physical symptoms a set criteria to determine the severity and legitimacy of your battle. Mental recovery is paramount to your healing. ⠀ ⠀ ◽️While anorexia and bulimia are the most common type of eating disorder, they are not the only ones. ⠀ ⠀ ◽️Eating Disorders that get less media attention but are just as valid include: Binge Eating Disorder (BED), Otherwise Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder (previously known as Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specific, or EDNOS), Orthorexia, Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (previously known as Selective Eating Disorder), Pica, and Rumination Disorder. ⠀ ?In recovery, some days will be harder than others, but please remember that no success was ever linear. But a commonplace I hope we can all reach as we fight for our freedom is to have love for ourselves that is without conditions or compromise — that we may eat from a place of worth, find happiness beyond our skin, ⠀ And root for ourselves every inch of the way???? ⠀ — ⠀ ◽️For eating disorder recovery resources, please visit ⠀ ??CANADA: or call 1-866-633-4220 ⠀ ??USA: or call (800) 931-2237 ⠀ ??UK: or call 0808 801 0677 ⠀ ?For other countries, please visit

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Bu açlık, bir süre sonra ise hem fiziksel hem mental olarak kendisini gösteren anoreksiyaya Sarah Ramadan’ı sürüklemiş.


Genç kız 2 yıl sonra ilk kez hastaneye kaldırılmak zorunda kalmış.

7 ay süren yoğun bir tedavi ile yaşamaya çalışmış.


O zamanlar kalp kaslarının aşırı zayıfladığını ve

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I’m thankful for remembering anorexia so clearly. In my memories, I can recall the days I spent crying over one too many celery sticks, ⠀ or the hospital rooms I once called torture chambers. I remember being forced fed and forced to recover. I remember the effort, and I remember nothing ever worked. ⠀ Until something changed. ⠀ I’m thankful for the memories, because had I not have gone through such a life-changing epiphany, I wouldn’t wear the passion I do today. My love for my body, nutrition, and fitness is empowered by my journey. ⠀ No matter how broken it may seems, my journey has built me into the woman I am today. ⠀ #battlescars #fightforgrowth #recoveryissodamnworthit

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Ciğerlerinin az nefes alabildiği için yetersiz kaldığını dile getiriyor.


Şu anki vücut geliştirici Sarah,

Anoreksiya dönemlerinin son yılı olan 2014’te vücudunun kendisini taşıyamamasından dolayı tekerlekli sandalyeye mahkum kaldığını söylüyor.


Bu mahrumiyet bir anda Sarah’da artık geri dönülemez bir noktaya gelmek üzere olduğunu,

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just showing one of my fave back exercises! ??☺️ ⠀ This is the barbell row: I usually perform 4 sets of this movement and stay between an 8-12 rep range☺️ some things to remember when watching my form ???? ⠀ ⠀ ?I use a supinated grip (I find this grip works my biceps more too) ⠀ ?I hinge at the hips and keep that bend throughout the movement ⠀ ?I'm almost brushing against my quads to initiate this movement ⠀ ?My neck stays neutral. It's very tempting to look to the side mirrors whenever you're doing a movement that forces your chin to tuck. But this can be unhealthy for your neck and spine. I recommend filming your sets instead to assess form ⠀ I hope these help some of you! Have a wonderful Friday everyone ? #NutraBio #WithoutCompromise #fightforgrowth

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Fark etmesini sağlamış. Bu farkındalık ile birlikte doktorları ve fizik terapistinin kontrolüyle, yepyeni bir tedavi sürecine başlamış.


Yavaş yavaş beslenme düzenini geliştiren Sarah,

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It’s a beautiful day to have a beautiful day, I say! ??✨ ⠀ My prerequisites required to see beauty in my days are simple☺️: ⠀ ?My body is working in beautiful harmony ⠀ ?I can afford food to treat my body well while also taking care of my tastebuds (they are a part of my body sooo #teamfroyo) ⠀ ?My family is healthy ⠀ ?@worldbyatlas is a loving, healthy and GREAT boy ?? ⠀ ?I live in an area that grants me accessibility to the world wide web, paving the way for opportunities, conversation, and positive influence. ⠀ ?I have a gym in close proximity to my home, enabling me to empower my skin through weight training. ⠀ ?I can hear traffic, and also music. ⠀ ?I can see rain, and also sun. ⠀ ?I can feel burden, and also blessings. ⠀ ?bookmark this caption for a friendly pick-me-up when needed? ⠀ Sending my love and support this Monday!?? #fightforgrowth #practicegratitude #beautyinstrength #selflove #positivityisdarnnourishing

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1 yıl içerisinde kendisine yetebileceği bir kiloya ulaşabilmiş.


2015’te eve döndüğünde amatör vücut geliştirici olan erkek kardeşi Aladdin ile birlikte,

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Its a shame that a huge part of the fitness industry shames weight gain. To many, gaining weight coincides with a greater loss: a “loss in progress”, a “loss of control”, or worse, a “loss” of value. This is most common with individuals who’ve learned to attribute their worth to their physique I am an advocate of intention — I believe that the purpose and meaning we attribute to our actions, decisions, and dreams, are inherently more enriching than the end result. This is applicable to losing weight. This is also applicable to GAINING weight. As I’m currently gaining weight after competing in my bikini competitions, I am grounded by the notion that my body ALLOWED me to diet down for the sake of reaching my goals. My body didn’t prefer to be at a lower weight away from maintenance, but it did so for my dreams. This was a FAVOUR, one that needs to be returned. Now that my show is over, I owe my body the love and respect it deserves: It needs an adequate amount of nutrients, weight gain, rest and recovery. It needs patience, appreciation, admiration, and thanks. I am grounded by the intentions of nourishing my body with love and tending care. Gaining weight should never be scrutinized for these loving causes. To me, gaining weight now coincides with a greater win: I did not lose progress: I gained perspective. I did not lose control: I reclaimed my life. I did not lose value: I realized it was always there. I really hope this caption finds you when you needed it most. Screenshot this for a reminder down the road. Send this message to a friend that is struggling. Be an advocate for self love. Share with me my journey of growth. ? #FightForGrowth #SelfLoveInTheFlesh #BeautyInStrength

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Beslenme ve spor düzenini yeniden ele almış.


Nihayetinde Sarah en başta hayalini kurduğu vücuttan çok daha iyisini,

Doğru beslenme ve spor ile birlikte kazanmış. Sarah ağırlık kaldırmaya başladıktan bir süre sonra kendi vücuduna hayran kaldığını söylüyor. Burada kardeşinin üzerindeki emeğini de hep hatırlatıyor.


Kanadalı vücut geliştirici sosyal medya hesaplarındaki adını,

“fightforgrowth” olarak kullanıyor. Dünün hatalarını bugünün dersleri olarak görmemizi istiyor. Başarıya giden yolun asla kolay olduğuna inanmıyor ancak kesinlikle değeceğini hatırlatıyor.

Protein Tozu Cinselliği Olumsuz Etkiler mi?



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